In 2002 Pod 10 were hired to help transform a derelict hotel into a singular and multifaceted entertainment complex. Working with owner Jeff Stober and the talented team at 3rd Uncle, we forged a vision of the Drake as a cultural community centre, a mecca for artists, as well as a destination for diners, dancers and out-of-town guests.
We began by crafting a grass roots promotional campaign that introduced the vision to select cultural influencers, whose feedback and opinions were incorporated into the project plans.
We developed a tight but open-ended brand identity that thrives on continual reinterpretation, and applied it across a range of objects and media, including the hotel’s web site and TV system. Standout contributions include the 140-foot long Rorschach inkblot mural, and the Underground Jukebox, an interactive VOD system, just one part of the larger technical infrastructure that we designed and specified.
Prior to opening, we helped hire and train key personnel, familiarizing them with both the brand and the tools and systems at their disposal. During the first year of operation, Barnaby ran the culture department and oversaw the booking of the hotel’s entertainment line up.